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New – if you plan to claim the HOG online through our website but are dropping off your cheque, you will find a new check box on the paper version of the HOG application form which reads ‘I claimed my 20XX HOG online’. If you are eligible for the grant, the Province of BC reduces your taxes by the amount of the grant. 21 For the purposes of the definition of "multi dwelling leased parcel" in section 1 of the Act, the number of years prescribed is one.
4 An owner of a land cooperative that contains eligible land cooperative residences is entitled to a grant with respect to that land cooperative in an amount equal to the total of all amounts that the owner is entitled to under subsections to (3.1). You may be able to claim home owner grants on behalf of residents living on your property. The grant is available only to those who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, who are ordinarily resident in British Columbia, who make their principal residence on your property and who meet the other requirements of the Home Owner Grant Act (the "Act"). If you claim and receive a grant, section 7 of the Act requires that you must pass on the benefit of the grant to the qualifying residents on your property. To be eligible for a grant, the home must be used as the owner’s principal residence. The homeowner grant is automatically calculated on a homeowner’s property tax notice.
Taxes and tax credits
For example, a PAD agreement received on January 10th will be effective February 1st, but one received on January 18th will be effective March 1st. Starting on year six, the interest rate has been set at the Royal Bank of Canada Prime Rate on the date of the original loan approval plus 0.5%. Your interest rate for year six to ten is listed on your Loan Repayment Notice and in your mortgage documents. You can make a lump sum payment or set up a monthly recurring pre-authorized debit from your bank account.
Were made to the Home Owner Grant application form to enable larger font, better information and instructions. Is required to pay or remit an amount to the government under the Home Owner Grant Act but has not paid or remitted that amount. The grant administrator must, within 30 days of making this determination, give the applicant the reasons for the determination.
Have incurred costs for structural modifications to your principal residence that exceed an aggregate of $2 000. You have a permanent disability, or are the spouse, child, grandchild, parent, step-parent or person standing in the place of a parent, grandparent, brother or sister of a person with a permanent disability who resides in your home . You and your spouse together may qualify for only one grant on one residence in British Columbia in any one calendar year even if you live in separate residences . A blank space designated for writing, by symbols and figures, the amount of tax due after deduction of the amount of the home owner grant from the total tax stated by the notice to be due.

You may qualify for additional grants if you are a senior, a veteran, a person living with a disability, living with a spouse or relative with a disability, and/or a spouse or relative of a deceased homeowner. 13.1 Section 13 of this regulation applies to an application for a veterans supplement as if it were an application for a low-income grant supplement except that, in respect of an application for a veterans supplement, sections 5.1 to 5.4 of the Act apply for the purposes of the requirements in section 13 and and . The spouse of the owner may qualify for that tax year for a low-income grant supplement, with respect to the eligible residence, in an amount not to exceed the reduction in the grant.
Home Owner Grant Act, RSBC 1996, c 194
If applicable, certifying that the owner is the spouse or relative of the person with disabilities and resides with the person with disabilities. An application for a grant, in the form approved by the minister, must be included with the tax notice. If you and your spouse are separated and living apart, you may be able to claim the home owner grant for each of your principal residences. The grant threshold is the maximum value of an assessed or partitioned property where home owners are eligible to claim the full home owner grant.

This is something for new home buyers to keep in mind when planning out a BC home purchase, especially in Vancouver’s housing marketwhere the average price of a home is well over $1 million. Homes with a price under $500,000 are fully exempt from the BC property transfer tax for first-time buyers, but what about homes over $500,000? There is a small window between $500,000 and $525,000 where first-time home buyers in BC can receive a partial property transfer tax exemption. In the case of a $510,000 home, the first-time buyer’s exemption amount would be $4,920.
Buy BC, Save-On-Foods partnership showcases B.C. on the shelves
Up to $845 for homeowners who are 65 years or older, or if the homeowner is a person with a disability or lives with a relative who has a disability. If you are going to fight the good fight , be aware that the physical assistance does not include therapy, training or respite support. It does however include assistance with bathing, personal hygiene, meal preparation/feeding and mobility.

If a payment is returned unpaid due to Non-Sufficient Funds , early repayment will be automatically cancelled without notice. Your personal information is encrypted at the time of entry to ensure your information is kept secure. If the owner’s death occurred in a previous year, you’ll receive the amount you qualify for. If you are buying or selling a property, there are other factors that will determine the amount you can claim for the home owner grant. Laneway homes and multi-family dwellings like a duplex, triplex and fourplex qualify as separate residences.
Although you could previously apply through your municipality, you now need to apply directly through the government of BC. You must apply for your Home Owner Grant each year by the July due date listed on your property tax notice in order to avoid penalties. The Home Owner Grant is a provincial program that helps reduce the amount of residential property tax you pay.
The principal residence continues to be the principal residence of the person with disabilities. Between February 2017 and September 2018, the BC Home Owner Mortgage and Equity Partnership program provided eligible home buyers a repayable down payment assistance loan that is registered on title of their home. The information you provide on your home owner grant application is not shared with your municipality or BC Assessment. If your address or contact information have recently changed, you must advise your municipality and BC Assessment separately. If you have received a Notice of Disentitlement that indicates you're not eligible for a home owner grant, find outhow to pay your outstanding balance. Roperties assessed higher than $2,144,000 ($2,184,000 in a northern and rural area), are not eligible for a home owner grant.
You may be able to claim the full regular grant amount if your property has an assessed or partitioned value of $1,975,000 or less. For the purpose of claiming the home owner grant, you can have only one principal residence. If your property is assessed below the threshold and you meet certain requirements, you will receive the full regular grant amount. In 2021, the home owner grant application process changed, but program details and eligibility requirements have not changed. The Province is raising the 2018 homeowner grant threshold to $1.65 million, ensuring the same percentage of British Columbia homes are below the threshold as in 2017. Up to $1,045 for homes in northern or rural areas where the homeowner is 65 years or older, or the homeowner is a person with a disability.

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